How to use coloured furniture to enhance your child's playroom

How to use coloured furniture to enhance your child's playroom

5 min read

Did you know that coloured furniture can have a really positive impact on the way your kids live, learn, and play? We have been so excited to release a range of new colours so that Funsquare kids play couches can literally be made up of every colour in the rainbow. And to help you create the best playroom for your children’s growth and development, we’ve created this guide on how to use coloured furniture to enhance their space. 

Understanding the psychology of colours

Most people are quick to decorate their children’s playroom or bedrooms with a wealth of colour, but not a lot of people know why this can be so incredibly important in the development of your little one’s. 

Colour brings a lot of joy to lives, but it has actually been proven to not only affect mood, but learning and behaviour. 

Bright colours can actually stimulate the brain and help boost memory, and psychologists have linked colour with things like brain development, decreased absenteeism, enhanced productivity and smooth transition from childhood to adulthood. Studies show that when colour is transmitted from the eye to the brain, the brain releases a hormone affecting emotions, mind clarity and energy levels. 


The psychology behind colour proves that its an incredible beneficial tool to use in your playroom - and super important in children's development and learning!


But every single colour has different effects, and this can vary depending on the individual. And, while we’re all impacted by colour theory, children are more sensitive to the effects. 

For example, the colour yellow inspires warmth, fun and optimism, stimulating our nerves, glands and brains, making us more alert and boosting our memory, encouraging communicating, promoting activity and interaction

Blue, on the other hand, is known for enhancing creativity and creating a relaxing environment. It has a deeply calming effect, which can be used for an easy, peaceful transition into sleep or to help settle lively children. 

We have a whole article The benefits of colour” that dives into the specifics of each primary colour, which is super useful if you want to explore the benefits of each colour.

But we think it’s important to let you know that, on the other side, there are actually consequences to a lack of colour in a child’s life. It may be a shock, but too little colour stimuli can actually lead to anxiousness, sleeplessness, excessive emotional reaction, loss of concentration and even nervousness. 

So, while muted colours and white walls are trending right now, you may want to reconsider the colourway of your little one’s room. While you may prefer neutral colours, it can have the complete opposite reaction in your child’s well-being.

Which is a big part of why we think coloured furniture can be so beneficial … You don’t have to paint the walls, but you can opt for furniture that offers the perfect amount of colour to stimulate their brains and give them the benefits ideal for them. 

Choosing the right coloured furniture for your kids playroom

When it comes to choosing the right coloured furniture for your kids playroom, it’s a good idea to start off by thinking about a) the individual needs of your child (and what they respond to) and b) the intended impact you’d like your child to have.

You’ll also need to consider the many different kinds of coloured playroom furniture available today. Of course, Funsquare has a unique and broad range of colourful playroom products that are designed with kids' open-ended play in mind, but you’ll have no trouble finding a variety of different furniture options both online and in-store.


When it comes to choosing the right coloured play furniture for kids, its best to consider their individual needs and the space you have on hand


To create the optimum effect, we recommend investing in a few pieces. 

In most playrooms, you’ll have different sections for different purposes. Like a study area, a reading nook, and possibly a play area. So, when considering your playroom furniture, we recommend tailoring each section to align with the colour that’ll help enhance their enjoyment of each section. 

Creating a Colourful Playroom

So, how do you go about achieving the perfect coloured playroom? Here’s a guide - it’s not one you need to stick to, but we figure it’ll give you the basic idea so you can move forward and apply it to suit your own space, needs, and budget. 


  • A soft blue section for them to cuddle up and nap

Blue has a deeply calming effect and can be used for a peaceful and easy transition into sleep or to help settle lively children. It can be a good idea to implement something like a Funsquare Crash Pad in a soft blue tone to provide your children an area in their playroom to cuddle up like possums and have a safe and secure resting space.

A soft blue Funsquare Crash Pad can be the perfect tool to help them relax, unwind, and make a smooth transition to sleep


  • A vibrant red section for them to get out all their energy

While red can feel a little over-exciting for some, it can actually inspire creativity and increase appetite. But it’s also been proven to increase athletic ability, causing people to react with greater speed and force. It can be an ideal colour for their indoor obstacle course, and we think it can be the perfect colour to include in your Funsquare Play Couchas kids are encouraged to test their limits, in the safety of a soft, durable, and danger-free setting.


Red is the perfect colour for getting out all their energy and is the perfect choice when it comes to picking a colour for your Funsquare play couch!


  • A nurturing green section for reading and creativity

In the presence of green, our pituitary glands are stimulated and your muscles can actually become more relaxed. It’s been proven to improve reading ability and creativity, which is why this is the perfect colour for creating a little reading nook. Maybe opt for a comfy reading chair in this colour or offer them a reading surface in a vibrant green colour to help them get the most out of their learning.


Green is the perfect colour for encouraging reading and creativity - ideal for a playroom intended for growing, learning and playing!


  • A gentle pink section for calm-down time (perfect for time out spaces or nap time too!)

Pink is another great colour for “chilling out”, and could be appropriate alongside the calming blue hues in their nap zone. However, it’s also important to note that it’s been linked to toning down aggression, which makes it the ideal colour for kids with big personalities who need a safe and therapeutic environment to calm down. We’d recommend incorporating this colour anywhere in the room, as it’s perfect for setting an overall tone in the playroom. 


Pink is a great colour to set the tone of your playroom: it can help tone down aggression which is a big bonus for children with big personalities


  • Orange for introverts!

Did you know that orange is used by many schools? It uplifts, gives confidence, and injects a whole lot of fun, but also increases critical thinking and memory. It’s recommended that, if your child is an introvert, infusing hints of orange can help boost their confidence.


Orange is the perfect tone to encourage confidence in introverted kids - and is a colour used often in schools!


Colours can have a dramatic effect on not just the enjoyment of your children’s playroom, but their mood, learning and development. To enhance your playroom, we recommend incorporating a number of colours tailored to your child’s needs and the different areas you make available in this space. 

But when it comes to enhancing your child’s playroom with colour, a Funsquare Play Couch can be the one-stop solution for all their needs. We have a super fun customisation app that’ll allow you to mix and match the colours designed for your needs and, for small spaces, this is a great way to incorporate a number of different colours and purposes, all with one play couch. 

“Just beautiful, I picked different colours and all of them are stunning. The material is soft and the foam inserts sturdy. Great fun, the unboxing experience is very fun. Can’t wait to add more pieces and colours to our collection.”

~ Sarah